
Creativity on education

About creativity on education, in this speak Ken Robinson say a lot of things that are crudely truth, some of this things he says them like a joke because are so crude if you say it in other way that can hurt the feelings of someone.
On of the things that he says, for example is that everyone is interested on education, and thats true!!! and in the case of Chile everyone believes that is an expert on education! they can say, and they do, a lot of things that they think can help education to improve. But when you said that you work in education they're not going to tell you anything or by the contrary it can be worse, they can tel you a lot of techniques to be a better teacher, but they haven't study anything related with education!!!
Well, returning to the creativity of children on school, it's true that they have some classes of Art, but that's not enough there are kids that can be artist and as MR Ken Robinson say about something that Piccaso says "all children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up" ans that's completely true! in our schools we don't have other classes like dancing, acting or other kind of artistic classes that they should have.
Another problem that is happening nowadays is related to mistakes, all children aren't afraid of do mistakes, and we adults are more than that we are scared of make a mistake in whatever we do in our lives, in the work, in our relationships, with our children, and even with our friends. And because of that we made all the schools sensibles to the mistakes that a student can do, with this now they are scared of make some mistake, even if you learn with this!! if a student don't understand a subject they don't ask to the teacher for another explanation, they just don't say anything and they don't learn good or don't learn at all the subject.

At the end if we aren't prepare to make mistakes and to correct them we aren't ready to change anything to help the future generations, and we aren't going to help them to be better persons.


Studyin what you like?

Well, lets go and answer a survey for the teacher, because she love us so much!!! so she want to know more about us, and why we are bothering her in her classes XD.

First of all.

Why did you choose this university?

Because when I was in my "Preu" I had a teacher (actually he was the owner of that preu XD) he talked a lot about this University, He said that this University is growing and with the time it's going to be one of the best on terms of private Universities, and on the other hand he told me that Alberto Hurtado University has a lot of great and excellent teachers. So by recommendation I entered to this University (and i like it's discourse of pluralism)

Why are you studying this career?

well, personally I choose this career because i like to teach others and on the other hand I like (well the truth is that I love) English, so what's best than study what you like/love? one time I read: "If you don't want to work in your entire life, study what you love to do" so I hope that this will be my passion.

What do professionals in your area contribute to society?

Anything, jajaja, just a joke (lol). The truth is that now a days the importance of English on the daily routine is growing every minute, and with this the importance teacher grow with it, but on schools just now the government started to give more importance. We as future English teachers know that we're going to do classes may be to the president or to some minister of the future. At the end our contribution is going to be related with how someone is going to understand and comprehend their environment and how this are going to have influence in their lives.

What tools will a professional in your area need to have in the future?

I can think just in one and for me at least is the main characteristic that they need to have. They will need to be more creative in all the topics, and how he/she is going to work on them. Without this his/her students will be bored on all his/her classes. And with this creativity they can use all the tools present on the technologies, because all the kids are more and more involve with it now a days.

What is your favorite subject? Why?

Language, of course, because I love to learns every day new words, phrases and how to use them, because on comparison with me but three years in the past, I were so ignorant about English. When I was on school i even care the English classes and when i think on it, it was because all the teachers that I had didn't know how to do good and at the same time interesting classes.

Well that was a little about me, just because the miss wanted an interwiew with me XD

Greetings to every one!!!!


Very fun Video

For everyone who had played pacman in his/her life